Our focus is to foster the design and development of early drug discovery campaigns up to pre-clinical phases.
LDS is a SME providing tools and expertise to develop drug discovery. LDS offers pharmaceutical services for Industry and Academia and has a diversified pipeline of in licensed and proprietary products for oncology and infections therapeutic areas, including rare diseases.
Company overview
LDS was founded as a spin-off of the University of Siena in 2012 by combining the scientific background and the entrepreneurship of its management to offer specific competences and solutions in drug discovery.
LDS capitalizes on the wide scientific expertise in pharmacology and medicinal chemistry built within the academic groups of the founder members to efficiently expedite the discovery and development of small molecule medicines. A number of molecules have been successfully advanced by LDS team as evidenced by publications and patents, and several goals achieved in the course of collaborations which earned us the trust of our customers.

LDS actively participates to national and international projects, with a special attention to local synergies at industrial and academic level within the Life Sciences area.
LDS has been awarded the “Tuscany StartCup”, 1st Classified, Innovation National Award, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy, 2009, and “Best Presentation in Oncology” by Novartis Oncology at BioInItaly Investment Forum, Milan, Italy, 2015.
LDS laboratories are located in the Toscana Life Sciences facilities (www.toscanalifesciences.org), a non-profit organization supporting research activities and promoting the creation of innovative companies in Life Sciences. Toscana Life sciences is located in the Glaxo Smith Klyne (GSK) campus in Siena where other multinational pharma companies strategically choose to locate their primary research and development activities.

Mission statement
LDS’ mission is to contribute to human health by fostering progress in both basic and applied research for new effective medicines in specific therapeutic areas; to build strong relationships with our clients/partners to enable them to achieve their objectives; to promote the growth and development of our people for a committed and efficient teamwork.