LDS Sponsor at the XI European Workshop in Drug Design

Lead Discovery Siena is Sponsor of the 11th EWDD. The workshop will be held in Certosa di Pontignano at the Conference Center of the University of Siena.

First in this kind, the European Workshop in Drug Design has always been a unique opportunity for graduate students, postdocs and scientists from both Academia and Pharma Industry to celebrate computer-aided drug design and discovery in an exciting and collaborative environment, looking at an impressive sight of the city of Siena from a monastic complex in the heart of the Chianti and Tuscany, and participating to highly interactive hands-on case studies.

LDS is pleased to support this workshop which offers an updated view on most recent modelling techniques and approaches together with the opportunity to meet representatives from both university and pharma industries. LDS will be present during the event and available to talk about the available range of research services and its drug discovery programmes.

On May 21-26, 2017