TLS Day 2019

LDS tells its story during the partnering day organised by Toscana Life Sciences

On 11 April 2019, TLS organised a day to support partnering and networking opportunities among the companies and research centers currently hosted by the bioincubator and working in the field of Life Sciences.

The Tuscany Region Vicepresident and Assessor for Culture, University and Research, Monica Barni, opened the working session, together with Andrea Paolini, TLS General Director, and Fabrizio Landi, TLS President.

Among the 25 speakers, Laura Maccari, LDS Project Manager, gave an update for LDS research activities and projects. Over than 120 participants were present, among which representatives and delegates from several pharma companies, scientific parks, investors and institutions.

It was an important opportunity to meet and share the current state of art and future perspectives for LDS as well as the other companies and research centres, which could pave the way towards new collaborations and synergies.



LDS at the TLS Day 2016

LDS has participated to the Toscana Life Sciences Day 2016, the annual event organized by the Foundation to promote the exchange and contamination of ideas, foster mutual knowledge and the confrontation among the companies and research groups hosted by TLS.

LDS gave a presentation to show its corporate and research activities, competences and platforms, to keep updated the other companies working in the Life Science area and identify potential common interests. It has been a great opportunity to strengthen the existing relationships and to build new potential collaborations with the several differing realities relating to TLS, from biotech to medical devices, medicinal chemistry, ICT, research services and nutraceutics.



Twenty companies participated to the event together with LDS, such as Pharma Integration, Liquidweb, T4All, egoHealth, Microbiotec, Exosomics Siena, CNR – IFC Siena, Fondazione NIBIT, Università di Siena – Dip. Scienze della Vita, Fondazione di Mario, Ebios Futura, TLS-Lab ERC, Kedrion, VisMederi, Bioscence Research Centre, Polo GGB, Epigen Therapeutics, Istituto Tumori Toscano, Università di Siena – Quantitative Neuroimaging Laboratory.

In this scenario, LDS is the only company working in the Medicinal Chemistry area by providing support to drug discovery projects.

At the end of the event, LDS Project Manager Laura Maccari gave an interview about the potential synergies of LDS with the other companies hosted by TLS.